Dental Hygiene in York

Our dental hygienists will professionally clean your teeth using the most up-to-date technology to remove any oral plaque and tartar, which cannot be removed by brushing or flossing products alone. This procedure helps patients to get healthier teeth and prevents gum disease.

In addition to an ultrasonic scale and polish we also offer the latest prophyflex power clean system which creates a jet of compressed air, water and fine sodium bicarbonate particles at your teeth to polish the surface and remove debris. It cleans your teeth thoroughly, removing any superficial stains and giving you an instantly whiter smile without the need for bleaching.

Ultrasonic Scale and Polish BeforeAfter ultrasonic Scale and Polish with the hygienist

The above pictures show one of our patients after a simple visit to our hygienist. Look what a massive difference a good scale and polish has made. It’s totally lifted even the colour of the smile. Get a bright white smile today book in for your free consultation call us on York 01904 623 687

Did you know…

We are now able to offer direct access to our hygienist. This means you don’t have to be a registered patient of ours and can book in as and when required for your dental hygiene visits!

We now use state of the art EMS prophyJet machine Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) which can be used to keep the health of your teeth in the very best condition and also used to treat gum disease as well as ensure its prevention.

Key benefits over a standard routine scale and polish:

  • Warm water – less sensitively and greater levels of patient comfort
  • Minimally invasive and safe, effective and efficient and comfortable.
  • Scaler tip is pressure sensitive and adapts is force depending on the calcification levels of the tarter
  • Advanced prohy jet clean which thoroughly removes staining in a gentle but effective manor in between teeth and under the level of the gums
  • Effective at maintaining health of dental implants.
  • Highly preventive
  • Minimally invasive
  • Pain free
  • Gentle and safe
  • Prevents decay by getting rid of bacteria with ease in hard to reach places in between teeth and below gum lines.
  • GBT Preserves aesthetic restorations, healthy tooth tissue and is gentle on restorations.

For more information contact our York dental team today on 01904 623687 or request an appointment.