Cfast braces

Cfast braces is a gentle, discreet and affordable orthodontic procedure which can straighten teeth in a period as short as six months.

Cfast braces uses clear orthodontic brackets and tooth-coloured nickel-titanium wires to gently realign teeth with minimal discomfort. By focusing only on the front six teeth, the teeth which are seen the most when smiling and talking, the process can be completed in as little as six months without the need for severe tightening which can cause discomfort in conventional orthodontic procedures.

Through the use of clear brace brackets and tooth-coloured wires, Cfast is very discreet and a barely noticeable type of brace. On top of this, Cfast is worn for only a fraction of the time compared to traditional braces. Cfast is also more affordable than other orthodontic procedures as the short treatment time dramatically cuts costs.

The revolutionary Cfast invisible brace technique is fast, gentle and discreet and will allow you to discover your new smile in a matter of months.

For more information on the procedure, or to book your free consultation contact Fresh Dental Smile Clinic today on York  (01904) 623 687.