Gap Between Your Teeth? Let Orthodontics Straighten That Out!

Gap in teeth, York, OrthodonticsWhen you smile or look in the mirror, do you see a gap between your teeth? This may be the reason you lack confidence when you smile or feel nervous before photos. Here at Fresh Dental Smile Clinic, we want you to show off your smile with pride and be confident about your appearance.

A gap between teeth can easily be solved through orthodontics. Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that treats irregularities with the teeth or jaw. Orthodontists use braces and other tools to address issues such as teeth alignment, gaps, overbites and underbites. If you’re concerned about wearing braces or undergoing treatment, you needn’t be, there are numerous options available and what’s more, the NHS has reported that nearly 200,000 adults and children had orthodontic treatment in 2014, so you’re not alone in having treatment done, no matter what age you are.

What causes a gap between teeth?

A gap in teeth is actually quite common and there are a few reasons why it may have occurred. Firstly, it could simply be that your teeth and jaw size do not match up, so there is too much space for your teeth. Alternatively, if you have a small gap between your two front teeth, pushing your tongue against them when swallowing could cause the gap to increase in size. Whatever the reason, the problem can be fixed.

What can be done to help?

The metal “train-track” braces which some of us may associate with orthodontics are no longer the only way to correct problems with the teeth or jaw. If you are looking for a way to treat the gap between your teeth then there are a range of options available. Below are just a few of the available treatments, however it’s important to have a full consultation with your dentist, as they will be able to advise and guide you on the best course of action.

Incognito lingual braces

Regular train-track braces are highly visible because they are attached to the front of your teeth. But incognito lingual braces are instead attached to the back of your teeth, making them very hard to spot. If you have a gap between your teeth and would feel self-conscious about wearing visible braces, then incognito lingual braces are a perfect solution. Like traditional braces, they work by slowly moving your teeth into the desired position. Each bracket will be individually fixed, then wire will be attached through them. This form of orthodontics has seen many patients improve their smile.

STb Social 6 Inman aligners

If the gap is between your front teeth, then STb Social 6 Inman aligners could work for you. This treatment is faster than lingual braces as it concentrates on only a few teeth. It is also an alternative to traditional braces.
However, it still has the added benefit of being discreet, so people may not realise you are wearing braces or aligners. They are very similar to Incognito as they are also attached to the back of your teeth and use wires. They are light and gently reduce pressure, helping to move teeth into the desired position.

Will the treatment take long?

Depending on where the gap in your teeth is, and which treatment you opt for, treatment time will vary. Incognito lingual braces can take a longer time, from ten months to twenty-four. If you want a quicker option, STb Social 6 Inman aligners can take less than a year.

Can any other treatments fix the gap in my teeth?

If you still feel wary about having orthodontic treatment, but would like to fix the gap between your teeth then there are some other alternatives using cosmetic dentistry.


If you have a relatively small gap between your teeth, then porcelain veneers could be an option. Rather than replacing or aligning mispositioned teeth, a veneer goes on top of the surface of the tooth. If you have a veneer put over the top then this could be used to cover a small gap you may have in between your teeth. This is a more expensive option, but if you are prepared to invest in your teeth then this can be an excellent solution.

Take the first step to fixing the gap between your teeth

The first thing you need to do is go for a consultation with a qualified and experienced dentist. We offer free consultations to all those considering orthodontic or cosmetic treatment. During a consultation your dentist will be able to establish if your mouth is healthy enough for treatment, then you can discuss the options which will give you the best results for your smile. Each individual case is different, so it’s important to get personalised advice on what’s best for you.

Dr Jenny Kabir and the team at Fresh Dental Smile Clinic are happy to help you decide which orthodontic treatment is right for you. Our mission is to put a smile on the face of every one of our patients. For more information about orthodontic treatment, click here, or call 01904 623687.